Da Assassin's Creed bantuie pe site-urile de torrent... cum ? nu se stie doar ca e bun si merge (proprie experienta) uni zic ca au erori alti zic ca nu ... deci concluzia este ca daca il vreti asteptati sa fie lansat pe PC sau il puteti scoate crack`uit de pe torrente !
Ia uitati pare tentant nu ?
Pe site`ul oficial UBISOFTnu zice nimic de varianta PC doar XBox360 , PlayStation 3 si NintendoDS ... deci jocul exista dar nu este lansat !
Iata si cerintele!
Minimum System Requirements:
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2 GB RAM
* Dual core processor (Intel Pentium D or better)
* 256MB Direct3D 10 compatible video card, or Direct3D 9 card compatible with Shader Model 3.0 or higher
* DirectX compatible driver
* DVD-ROM dual-layer drive
* 16 GB free hard disk space
* DirectX libraries (included)
* Vista compatible sound card
* Keyboard, Mouse
* Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller (optional)
* Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo, or better processor
* 3 GB System RAM
* ATI HD2900 series, Nvidia GeForce 8800 series, or better video card
* 5.1 sound card
* Microsoft Xbox 360 controller
*Supported Video Cards at Time of Release
DirectX10 compatible cards, recommended ATI HD2900 series, Nvidia GeForce 8800 series
Direct3D 9 card compatible with Shader Model 3.0 or higher